Every day more and more people begin new hobbies, imagining that there isn’t much more to it than what they see on the television shows.
Two men, or women, in a boat, drop in the lure and instantly the fish jumps onto the line and magically appears in the boat.
Bass fishing is everywhere, with every lake, river and pond thats accessible by boat is a mecca for a bass fisherman and you’d like to join them. For good reason. Nothing but nothing is more exciting than pulling in a huge bass or a trophy trout.
Bass fishing today is considered to be the top sport in freshwater, and the fishing industry as a whole, is about seventy percent geared toward bass fishing.

Bass fishing when it yields this kind of fish is definitely exciting
Well the television shows aside, it is in fact the one sport in the world where someone who takes the time to learn some small things, and practices them can compete equally with anyone else, regardless of sex, age, weight or size.
Bass fishing doesn’t require extra athletic ability, you don’t require vast amounts of additional working out, or the perfect body or youth.
Fishing is quite a different sport in that you can compete equally with those who have our level of experience regardless of your level of fitness or athletic abilities.
Learning the “how-to’s of fishing isn’t all that difficult, and nearly any internet site, particularly those such as “In Fisherman” or Fishing with Bill Dance” will be able to give you tips and tricks to help you grow as an angler.
OF course the more you head out on the water, the more you practice what you’re leaning, the better fisherman yuou will become, and Bass fishing has that in common with the other sports. Practice is going to make you better at what you’re doing.
One thing I love about fishing is that it tends to bond families if everyone takes part.
Husbands and wives and kids can all do this on an even footing, little sister might just catch something bigger than Dad did, and thats a positive thing at times.
Spending time together, being on equal footing for that particular period of time has some very positive benefits to the family and nearly every family I’ve seen begin fishing together, assumes they will hate it, and ends up wondering why they didn’t do it a long time ago.
Even the most finicky female teenager is excited when hauling in a huge bass and posing in front of the camera with her catch.
Frankly, more often than not, women tend to make better fishermen than the guys do, and this is by and large because they tend to be more patient and don’t overwork their bait.
Want to get closer to your wife and kids? Spend some quality time with them, teach them a love of the outdoors?
Take them fishing and you’re going to find out, exactly what it has to offer.
1 coment:
Why go fishing? because fish is delicious.
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